Sunday, December 15, 2019

A Weekend Trip – Now vs “Post-Ascension”

It is January 2012. We discuss driving to Death Valley for the weekend.  It is a 350 miles away, a six or seven hour drive approximately. In order to transport ourselves there and back, we will have to use nearly 30 gallons of fuel, which will cost about $100 and will put considerable pollution into the atmosphere, as well as in our lungs (the air inside of a gas-burning vehicle is quite polluted as well). Also, the noise of the engine and the tires on the paved road surface will add to the constant unpleasant ambient noise that echoes throughout the cities and towns everywhere that these cars are used – which is everywhere.

Once we arrive at our destination, which will surely be scenic and nice, we will have to continue to use the car to see ourselves around the valley, which will also add to the pollution of that environment, and cost more gas money.  We will check into a hotel which will be rather expensive, and we will sleep on a bed which we have no way of ascertaining the comfort of , and that is assuming we could rent a room, as we must compete with all the other potential tourists for the limited sleeping space.

When our stomachs get hungry, we will surely have to find some food, and as we will be far out in a desert, the choices will likely be limited and perhaps food that we would not normally eat due to health considerations, and which will also likely be rather expensive. It is highly unlikely that we would easily find healthy and nourishing food on the road or at our destination, as it is only in certain areas of the country that such food is easily found.  The common food served in common places is normally based on meat, fried potatoes or chips, and white flour bread, none of which is health-supporting.

The solitude of the place will surely be much appreciated, although for the most part we will not really be able to experience it, as we will be close to the road, with other cars and people likely present.  Nonetheless, despite all those troubles, and the many, many hours spent driving in the car, we will have seen an area of California we have never seen, and will surely see some lovely desert scenery.  After our several-hours drive home through traffic, we will be quite a bit lower in our bank account balance, as well as tired from the drive and the anti-oxidant depletion from so much pollution and unhealthy food. But that is what you must do in order to travel across the state of California!

Now…let me paint a different picture –one based seemingly on pure imagination or science fiction.  Or is it?

In our new weekend scenario, only a short time into the future, we are in the same world, but it looks very different.  Our vehicle does not burn gasoline, nor does it have a piston-driven engine. Instead, we have one of the many new types of propulsion vehicles, some of which, like ours, are more like small saucer-shaped discs. In this vehicle, there is ample space for our baggage, and also quite comfortable chairs for ourselves. There is almost no noise created, and no pollution as a result of our travels.  We travel above the ground, so there is no need for a paved road surface. We simply go above the tree line, where we have a lovely view of the restored nature areas where freeways once stood. The many other races of peoples from other planets in our Galaxy have brought technologies to earth which have allowed us to quickly remove the outdated infrastructure from our planet and restore it to pre-industrial pristine beauty.

There are so many lovely places and towns to see on the way to our eventual destination, that we wonder if we will ever make it to Death Valley – which has been re-named “Valley of Souls” in the new understanding of our world. In the old world, the afterlife was a place of great mystery and fear – but now, souls frequently visit those who are incarnate, and it is common to see living and formerly incarnate souls (who used to be called “deceased” and who were missed and mourned over), celebrating and spending time together, each well acquainted with the other’s mode of life, as well as their long past life history.

Everywhere we travel, we see green and blue – blue and green – endless combinations of the two - the blue of the ocean, streams, and public bathing and recreation areas, and the green of endless trees, meadows, and gardens. And there are so many gardens! It is the great pleasure of many to cultivate vegetables, fruits, trees, and herbs of all kinds on Gaia’s productive soil.  Knowing their planet to be a living soul as they are, they plant with great reverence, which rejuvenates and bonds together the plants, the planet, and those who live on her. This bond creates extremely healthy and nourishing food, which only needs to be eaten occasionally, and which is extremely satisfying. Much of the green growth is there sheerly for aesthetic beauty, and is not consumed at all.

There is a great buzz of activity everywhere on the planet, for all of the people are equally valued and equally loved, and nowhere is there to be found a place where the habitants are downtrodden or forlorn. There are many different modes of worship and gathering, but they all share equally their knowledge and respect for each other, so that each is as different notes in one symphony – a great variety, but all playing together to form one whole. 

As we fly above our lovely home planet, we discuss the many projects and plans that are in store for our rebuilding and flourishing civilization.  There is so much to do, and so much to learn, that no single person is ever left without a satisfying means of activity.  The great majority of what is produced is shared among communities and groups, and money is used for items which cannot easily be shared or bartered. Everyone has as much as they need, and no one has any desire to hoard or take from their neighbors, whom they regard as akin to their own family.

After some time and several stops, we float into the Valley of Souls.  There is no need to be concerned with reserving anything in advance, for this place, as all places, has abundant food and lodging.  We can comfortably sleep in our own vehicle, or for variety, there are a great many domed huts and small lodgings spread through the valley.  As there is abundant energy available anywhere that it is needed, there are numerous gardens and greenhouses spread through the valley, and rain can be produced on demand when needed.

-There is a project afoot in the Valley of Souls to rehabilitate many of the desert areas, and the planet herself is in such balance that the temperature is far more temperate even in the dryer areas. In fact, we have the ability now to create a sort of ‘customized climate’, where we can re-create a harsher desert environment if we desire the experience, but we can easily revert back to cooler temperatures if it becomes overly dangerous. Water is plentiful and pure, and everyone has the ability to purify surface water on demand. In fact, water has become a wonderful gourmet item, and is immensely pure and delicious.

As we travel along in the valley, we can create ‘virtual seasons’, and see the valley in the height of flowering, or during specific times of day or year. With our craft, we can fly where we like, moving towards whatever catches our eye, moving atop mountain peaks to admire the lovely viewpoints, or swooshing down riverbeds to see the abundant wildlife. They are not disturbed by our quiet craft, and as there is no hunting or violence against wild animals any longer, they have become quite tame and unafraid of us. Our crafts are responsive both to our own thoughts and to the other crafts around them, so there are very rarely any accidents or problems despite the lack of official routes.

There is a great variety of lodging and food available, and everyone is very friendly and happy to see us.  In fact, we make several friends in the valley, and invite them to our coastal home to visit whenever they like. 

At the end of the weekend, which we extend an extra day, we simply fly back home, taking a quite different return route, so as to admire more of the gorgeous scenery. There are no longer anything akin to ‘states’, as the governance has become fluid and well-managed, and there is no longer competition over resources, or vastly different laws or lifestyles requiring strict borders of any kind. In fact, there are many different modes of travel now, including instantaneous travel to any populated point on the globe via new technologies which have become available to our planet. 

In short, Earth has become a true ‘travel and vacation’ paradise, where work, leisure, and education are becoming increasingly interlinked, and where there is no great need to ‘get away from it all’, as everywhere on the planet is a true eden. 

Well, that is the future as I see it in my inner vision, and so I say… are you ready for this new world?  Cos I am!

 -Merry Hempster, 2012

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