Saturday, December 28, 2019

Trump, Q-Anon, Fakepeachment and the Babylonian Brotherhood

I had a few day intellectual “romance” with Trump and the Q-Anon/Alliance fight against the Deep State/Cabal, which initially was a reaction to the “fakepeachment”. This lasted about 2-3 days, during which time I was heavily investigating into “pizzagate” (one of the current Google/YouTube forbidden topics).. this quickly lead me to the conclusion that every single significant figure in these events is closely tied to 1. The rothschilds, and 2. The intelligence agencies (CIA, Mossad, etc.).

I also spent some time on Twitter, and witnessed the heavy and continuous obeisance these Republican leaders give to Israel/Judaism. It is a very obvious and blatant message: “we serve you”. “You”, here, of course, being the aforementioned Rothschilds/Deep State agencies (CIA, NSA, Mossad, etc.), the creators/perpetuators of Israel and the conflict in that region, and who are nothing but cabal agencies (including in the Arab countries!). In other words, they control all sides, and humanity is in the middle.

Ultimately, all of these Earthbound power structures serve the “hidden hand”, who originate from ancient Babylon in the historical epoch we are currently in. To go beyond 6,000 years ago is to enter forcibly into esoteric/cosmic history… (Atlantis, Lemuria, Moon, Mars, Orion, Reptilians, etc.) The current cabal babysitters, the Tech industry, are the “gatekeepers” for this information, ensuring that the common humanity is told “do not look here”. Meanwhile, the tech industry itself is 100% founded and sponsored by the Deep State.

These groups signify their allegiance through coded symbolism and language, and it has essentially been the same for the past 6,000 years. There is nothing to indicate* that what is happening in the USA/in the world presently is anything which is straying from that script. All religions, countries, and leaders are beholden to “the Babylonian Brotherhood”, and they were the founders of all current religions and belief systems. When or if humanity realizes that, alone, will signify the beginning of Awakening, the end of multi-dimensional subservience which has been the continuous state of play during all of “recorded history”. 

“There is absolutely no inscriptional evidence whatsoever, nor any ancient Greek or Roman reference, for the existence of Abraham or any of the Jewish patriarchs or prophets of the Old Testament, nor for Moses, Saul, David, Solomon, nor any of the Jewish kings, with the mere exception of two, or at most three, of the later kings.” - L.A. Waddell
"William Cooper, a former operative with United States Naval Intelligence, said he had seen secret documents which claim that extraterrestrials had told the US authorities that they had manipulated the human race via religion, satanism, witchcraft, magic and the occult." - The Greatest Secret
*-I believe that it is possible/inevitable that the QAnon-Trump Administration alliance is indeed a legitimate step towards permanently overthrowing the negative ET/Cabal "Brotherhood" on Earth. 

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